Message from Chapter Chair - November 2020
Dear Chapter Supporters,
What a year this has been, right? Had someone told me a year ago that our industry would be what it is right now, I never would have believed them. When I took over this position last winter, my goal for the Chapter was to increase membership engagement and cohesion on the board through strong leadership, great programming and education, and a lot of fun events. While not exactly what I had envisioned, I believe we have accomplished a lot of what I had hoped. Your IAEE Chapter Board is stronger than it has been in years, working together to provide leadership and community involvement during the most difficult of times for our industry. Our education programming has been valuable, relevant and insightful using powerful speakers and topics, with engagement from our members at its highest in recent memory. And, well, events are just not what we had expected.
While difficult, this year has taught me so much about myself, my colleagues (both on and off the Board) and our industry. I have learned to be appreciative of the good things I have so I don't focus on the negative. I am so grateful for the people I have met this year that I never would have gotten to know if virtual meetings hadn't put us together. I am thankful for the time I have had with my family, that normally I would have missed while traveling to events around the country. And mostly I have recognized that without difficult challenges, there is no growth.
I believe that 2021 will provide our industry with fantastic leadership and a robust rebound from 2020. I am confident in the IAEE DC Chapter Board of Directors that you have elected to take us into the next chapter of exhibitions and events. Donna Jarvis Miller, and her leadership moving forward over the next year, will continue the vision I hoped for when I took on this role. Our industry is resilient, stronger than ever, and will recover from this because nothing can replace the value of face-to-face meetings and in-person events.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement this year. I wish you all a very happy holiday season and if I don't see you at Expo!Expo! in December, I hope to see you at an in-person event in the future.
Paula Herz, CEM
2020 IAEE DC Chapter Chair