Term: Two years or as determined by the Board of Directors and Chapter Bylaws.
- Member in good standing
- Willing to give the time, energy, talents and enthusiasm required of this position
- Good organizational skills
General Responsibilities:
- Serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee
- Attend Board of Directors meetings, chapter events and committee meetings
- Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the Board of Directors
- Submit agenda items for Board of Directors meetings in advance of meetings
- Conduct transition meeting with successor
- Perform other duties that may be delegated by the chair and/or Board of Directors
Specific Responsibilities:
- Responsible for the proper and legal mailing of notices to members, proper recording of proceedings of the chapter, maintaining a permanent record of all chapter minutes and documents, and carrying into execution all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.
- Take minutes of all Executive Committee, Board of Directors and annual business meetings and distribute as appropriate.
- Ensure proper distribution of monthly minutes to all board members and IAEE headquarters together with the Chapter Administrator.
- Act as chapter parliamentarian, promptly upholding Roberts Rules of Order and enforcing the presence of a quorum to properly conduct business.
- Act as guardian of the Chapter Bylaws, Policies and Procedures to ensure they are updated as necessary and in compliance with IAEE bylaw standards.
- In Conjunction with Chapter Administrator, develop and facilitate a mechanism for the historical record of all chapter activities and board minutes.
- In conjunction with Chapter Administrator, maintain chapter operations calendar with event dates, board/committee meeting dates, newsletter and event mailing submission deadlines, and other industry-related event dates
- Create and maintain board task list and follow up on outstanding tasks.
- Lead Membership Sub-Committee: Update and send out quarterly new member, lapsed member emails. Provide stats and work with Vice Chair.
- Run reports as needed with access to DC Chapter database.
Time Commitment:
- Regular attendance at meetings, Board of Directors meetings and Executive Committee meetings
- Attendance at board orientation and midyear retreat (assessment meeting)
- Attendance at all official chapter activities
- Attendance at Chapter Leaders Forum held in conjunction with Expo! Expo!