Session overview: “Meet the Experts” roundtables will feature proven industry experts who provide answers, tips and the newest information to those involved in event operations, marketing, attendee
Expo! Expo! IAEE's Annual Meeting & Exhibition is the “show for shows.” Exhibition and events industry professionals attend this premier show to learn about the latest industry trends and technology,
Thank you to our event sponsor: DATE AND TIME: Friday, November 8, 2019 11:45 AM - 2:00 PM TENTATIVE AGENDA: 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM - Networking Reception 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM - Luncheon and Educational Pr
Thank you to our Sponsor Event Location: Live Karaoke Night in Alexandria Rock-It Grill Alexandria 1319 King Street | Alexandria, VA 22314 Parking – Parking is available at the rear of Rockit Grill
Date: October 11, 2019 | 11:45 am - 2:00 PM Description: Global exhibitions and events trends will be shared with attendees and the most important outcome (of many) will be that new and exciting ideas
Date: Sept. 13, 2019 | 11:45 am - 2:00 PM Description: Planners and venues are no strangers to technology. Event pros are embracing innovative event management tools, and with good reason. Studies sh
The New York and DC Chapters of IAEE are excited to announce the 12th annual Atlantic City Golf/ Spa Invitational hosted by Meet AC. This event is a great way for registered meeting professionals to
Join the D.C. Chapter for the annual Summer Networking Event at the Washington Nationals/Orioles Baseball Game on Tuesday, August 27th. Meet at the Home Plate Tailgate area of the Nationals Stadium to
This webinar is hosted by IAEE Date/Time of Webinar: August 15, 2019, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Eastern Description: Keeping your trade show(s) strong and growing in today's business climate is more challen
Back by popular demand. A new location awaits your arrival and the opportunity for every attendee to learn, network and have some fun with a purpose! Registration Fees Planners - EARLY BIRD FREE Plann
Join the D.C. Chapter for the annual Bowling Event at Pinstripes in Georgetown on Wednesday, July 17th. Don't miss out on the bar and parmesan chips, secure your spot today! Event Location: Pinstripes
The sixth annual Exhibitions Day will take place 4-5 June in Washington, D.C. Once again, industry members will come together to foster relationships and build awareness with federal legislators and
Protecting the financial integrity of exhibitions is critical, and an essential element of that goal is proper risk assessment and planning. Risk management is a continuing process that identifies, an
DESCRIPTION: What does your best possible future look like? What are the elements necessary for a life well-lived? How often do you stand in your own way of living your best life? Explore the ways we
This webinar is hosted by IAEE Date/Time of Webinar: May 9, 2019, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Eastern Description: Would you know what to do if gunshots rang out in your event space or workplace right now? It
This webinar is hosted by IAEE Date/Time of Webinar: May 2, 2019, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Eastern Description: The chorus from the song “In the Room Where it Happened” goes like this: The room where it ha
IAEE Women's Leadership Forum DC Chapter Reception We invite you to join us for a combined reception to mix and mingle with the attendees of the Forum, which has been designed to focus on topics uniq
Marketing is not an exact science. It includes a number of strategies and tactics that are constantly evolving so they can address changing social, cultural and economic circumstances effectively. The
The Certified in Exhibition Management Advanced Professional certification program (CEM-AP) is for CEMs with at least 10 years of industry experience who have acquired 30 education/leadership credit
Marketing for Association Events DESCRIPTION How do you engage people from the beginning of your event? How are you connecting with people/your audience? What are they getting from this event? What is
Thank you to our Luncheon Sponsor PROGRAM: It's Showtime Using Social Media to Increase Your WOW Factor! DESCRIPTION Technology has a major influence on our ever-changing societal landscape. Now more
Thank you to our Event AV Sponsor Program Description: Understanding the application of accounting, finance and budgeting fundamentals allows the exhibition organizer to make a greater contribu
EVENT LOCATION Crystal Gateway Marriott 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway | Arlington, VA 22202 PARKING: There is a parking garage at the hotel. Special discounted rate for our meeting will be $20 per car